How Long do you Have to File a Claim After a Car Accident in Colorado?February 20, 2023After a car accident in Colorado, understanding your legal rights is essential to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. But one of the most important questions you may have is “How long do I have to file a claim?” Knowing your rights and the time limits for filing a claim can make the difference […]What Happens When You Go to Court For a Car Accident?February 6, 2023After a car accident, you may have to go to court if you and the other party cannot reach an agreement on who is at fault or what proper compensation is due. Depending on the severity of the car accident and the circumstances, you may have to go through a civil or criminal court process. […]What is the Number One Cause of Fatal Car Accidents in Colorado?December 20, 2022There is a multitude of factors that contribute to the causes of fatal car accidents in Colorado, but the most common cause law enforcement is seeing is driver negligence. Statistics found that 94% of all fatalities are from negligence, which includes unsafe and reckless driving practices. Call today to speak with a skilled Denver accident […]Who is Responsible for Your Medical Bills After a Car Accident in Colorado?November 4, 2022Injuries sustained in car accidents can be severe, long-term, and difficult to treat. All of these factors add up to expensive medical bills. This raises the question of who pays for medical bills in the event of a car accident. That will depend on who the at-fault party is, the insurance of the other drivers, […]Tips to Maximize Your Personal Injury CompensationJuly 5, 2022When you do decide to move your personal injury case or accident claim forward your main goal should be to take all actions necessary so you can enhance the chances that you have of securing as much as you can in terms of a settlement. Most individuals that go on to file a personal injury […]What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do?May 20, 2022Being involved in a car accident is a stressful time. Motor vehicle accident victims have so many things to worry about, including medical bills, property damage, accident injuries, dealing with the at-fault driver and insurance companies – that often the thought of hiring an experienced lawyer is forgotten or never considered. Let's take a closer […]What if My Bills Are Higher Than the At-Fault Driver’s Insurance Limits?March 23, 2022You may be having a smooth day after waking up in the morning but end up getting involved in a car accident. After the accident, you have a likelihood of getting badly injured and having your car totally wrecked. However, on your way to recovery you are likely to incur several expenses. You will incur […]What Damages Can I Collect For a Car Accident in Colorado?February 4, 2022The biggest fear many people face when getting behind the wheel of a car is being involved in a car accident. There are over 100,000 car accidents and hundreds of deaths caused by motor vehicle accidents each year in Colorado, making this fear a valid fear for Colorado residents. Even if you are the most […]Colorado Car Accident StatisticsNovember 16, 2021In 2020, the fatal crashes in Colorado were at their lowest number in decades. According to the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), as of November 2020, there were 495 fatal motor vehicle crashes. That was the lowest number since 2015 when 507 fatal motor vehicle crashes were recorded. That was because the traffic on Colorado […] « Previous 1 2