The long-term effects of a brain injury take a serious toll on physical and mental health. Some of the effects of brain injury can be physical impairments, cognitive function impairments, emotional or behavioral changes, nerve damage, traumatic encephalopathy, and seizures are all potential long-term outcomes.

Seeking treatment immediately after the initial injury can reduce the risk of long-term effects. For more information about TBI, contact our experienced DCAL personal injury attorneys today for a free consultation.

Types of Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) occur when the brain is damaged by an external force. This can be a result of a blow or jolt to the head or an object penetrating the head. The severity of the damage varies, and it can affect physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral functioning.


Mild TBIs, also known as concussions, can affect your brain cells temporarily causing temporary confusion and disorientation. Concussion symptoms may go away within a few days, but severe brain injuries can have lasting effects. These effects include cognitive impairments, physical impairments, emotional or behavioral changes, and even seizures. Proper medical treatment is crucial to minimizing the risk of long-term effects from a brain injury.

Severe Head Injury

Severe head injuries, or traumatic brain injury (TBI), can have long-term effects that significantly impact a person’s life. Depending on the severity of the injury, whether there was internal bleeding or damage to the frontal lobe or pituitary gland, these effects can range from mild to debilitating.

Common long-term brain injury symptoms include physical impairments such as difficulty with motor coordination and balance, cognitive difficulties such as memory loss and difficulty concentrating, and emotional or behavioral changes such as depression and mood swings. Seizures are also a potential long-term consequence of a severe head injury.

Treatment for severe head injuries is essential to reduce the risk of long-term effects. Depending on the severity of the injury, treatment may include physical therapy, speech and occupational therapy, psychotherapy, medications, and/or surgery. 

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Skull Fractures

Skull fractures are a common consequence of traumatic injury to the brain. They involve breaks in the bones of the skull, sometimes with accompanying damage to the underlying brain tissue. These fractures can range from minor cracks (linear fractures) to more serious breaks that can cause pieces of bone to press into the brain (depressed fractures). Skull fractures can also occur without any direct injury to the brain itself (occipital fractures).

Skull fractures can have long-term effects that range from mild to severe, depending on the severity of the injury. Common symptoms of severe injuries include cognitive impairments, such as difficulty concentrating or memory loss; physical impairments, such as balance problems; and emotional or behavioral changes, such as depression. Appropriate medical professional treatment is essential to minimize the risk of long-term effects from a skull fracture.

Spinal Cord Injuries

The long-term effects of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be debilitating and life-altering. In addition to the physical symptoms associated with TBI, such as memory loss, difficulty speaking, and lack of coordination, there may also be other neurological problems that can manifest in the form of spinal cord injuries.


Spinal cord injuries are a type of neurological disorder caused by damage to the spinal cord, which can result in paralysis or loss of sensation in the arms and/or legs. Other potential long-term effects of spinal cord injuries include loss of bladder and bowel control, breathing difficulties, chronic pain, and neurological disorders such as seizures.

It is important to seek appropriate medical treatment for TBIs, including those that involve a spinal cord injury. Treatment can help minimize the risk of long-term effects and may include physical therapy, medications, surgery, and/or psychotherapy. 

Risk Factors and Causes

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are a type of head injury that can have significant long-term effects. There are several risk factors and causes associated with TBIs, including motor vehicle accidents, falls, sports-related impacts, combat injuries, physical assaults, and blast injuries. The severity of the injury can range from mild (concussion) to severe (traumatic coma).

In terms of long-term effects, the risk factors and causes of a TBI can play an important role. For example, falls are associated with a higher risk of severe head injuries, as are motor vehicle accidents due to the potential for high speeds and forces involved in these types of collisions.

It is important to seek medical attention immediately following any kind of head injury, regardless of severity. Doing so can help reduce the risk of long-term effects and provide more effective treatment.

Traumatic Event

Traumatic events can cause significant physical and psychological damage to a person. This is especially true when it comes to traumatic brain injury (TBI), which can have long-term effects that can range from mild to severe.

The most common long-term effects of TBI are cognitive, behavioral, and emotional problems. Cognitive problems may include difficulty with memory, problem-solving, planning or organizing, and learning. Behavioral effects may result in changes including impulsivity, irritability, aggression, or mood swings. Emotional issues may include depression or anxiety.


In addition to these long-term effects, people who experience a traumatic event may also be at risk of developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is a psychological disorder that can occur following a traumatic event and can cause long-term distress, including anxiety, flashbacks, nightmares, and avoidance of situations related to the traumatic event.

It is important to seek appropriate medical attention following a traumatic brain injury or any other traumatic event. Doing so and finding the correct treatment options can help minimize the risk of long-term effects and provide more effective treatment.

Age and Gender

The long-term effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) can vary greatly depending on factors such as age and gender. Younger people tend to be more resilient when it comes to TBI and generally suffer fewer long-term effects than those who are older. In general, the older the patient is, the greater the likelihood that their symptoms will be worse and longer lasting. Additionally, research has shown that men typically have a higher risk for long-term effects after a TBI than women.

In terms of age, young children and adolescents may experience difficulty concentrating or staying focused, behavioral issues such as aggression and impulsivity, sleep disturbances, and learning disabilities.

Adults may also experience these symptoms, but in addition, they can suffer from depression, difficulty with problem-solving and executive functioning tasks (planning, organizing), and sensitivity to light or sound.

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Older adults may suffer from confusion, disorientation, impaired memory, and difficulty with language expression.

Physical Symptoms of TBI

The symptoms of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can vary widely. They depend on the severity and type of injury. Some common physical effects include difficulty walking or speaking, poor balance, impaired coordination, and headaches. T

these symptoms may be acute and resolve quickly, or they may be chronic and last for weeks or months. In severe cases, physical damage to the brain can cause paralysis, seizures, or a persistent vegetative state. These conditions can be permanent and may require long-term medical care and rehabilitation.

Double Vision and Blurred Vision

Double vision and blurred vision are long-term effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Double vision, or diplopia, is when a person sees two images instead of one. This makes it hard to focus on objects or people. Blurred vision is a less severe but still impactful effect of TBI, causing impaired sight and difficulty reading. Both conditions can result from damage to the brain's visual processing areas and the eyes.

Loss or Change in Sense of Taste

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can have various long-term effects, including alterations in a person's sense of taste. A TBI can impact the functioning of cranial nerves responsible for transmitting signals from the mouth and nose to the brain.


Consequently, individuals may experience changes in their sense of taste, which can range from subtle to highly apparent. These alterations in taste can result in food appearing flavorless or metallic, and in some cases, certain foods may have a bad taste following a TBI.

Cognitive Impairment and Effects on Daily Life

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can cause a variety of long-term effects, many of which are related to cognitive skills functioning. Cognitive impairments associated with TBI may include difficulty with memory, attention, thinking skills, learning, problem-solving, and executive functioning.

These cognitive decline effects may significantly affect an individual’s ability to carry out daily activities such as work or school tasks and manage their personal affairs.

Memory Loss and Concentration Issues

TBIs are a major cause of disability and death in the US. They can have devastating long-term effects on a person's cognitive, physical, and emotional functioning. Memory loss and difficulty with concentration are common consequences of TBIs.

People with TBIs may struggle to remember recent events, retain new information, or focus on tasks for long periods. These problems greatly affect their ability to function in daily life. Studies have shown that there may be a link between severe or repeated brain injuries and degenerative brain diseases

Speak to a Skilled Brain Injury Lawyer  Today!

If someone has experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI) due to an accident, it is crucial to comprehend the possible long-term impact on their quality of life and the care providers involved. A person’s life can be drastically changed in the aftermath of a traumatic brain injury, and it can take months or even years to recover.

At Denver Car Accident Lawyers (DCAL), we understand what you are going through. Our experienced brain injury lawyers can help you seek justice and the maximum compensation you deserve for your injuries. Contact us today to schedule a free no no-obligation consultation.

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